Pack smart. Reduce waste. Eat better.

Solutions for protecting fresh produce, from post-harvest to the consumer.
Maintaining better condition for longer, without compromise.

Slowing down the ripening process, without compromising taste.

Fresh produce is global. Ensuring what’s picked arrives in great condition for the consumer to enjoy is challenging. The control of ethylene is an important factor in this, with the industry’s legacy solutions all having their own shortcomings. Enter RYPEN, the uncompromising way to extend peak ripeness windows, maintain condition, reduce food losses – all without impacting taste.

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Suitable for a wide range

of fresh and cut produce

Traditional classification of produce as either climacteric or non-climacteric is changing. It’s increasingly understood now that ethylene impacts a myriad of crops and often in different ways. With RYPEN, we’re continuing to push the science, all in the pursuit of preserving the potential of the produce as picked, while helping to put more of that in the hands of consumers to be enjoyed, and not lost.

How it works
Supply-chain benefits
Manage ethylene throughout the entire supply chain – in storage, in transit and in retail. Gain confidence and increased resilience through potential disruptions during shipping and transport. Minimise deductions, and reach new markets that are further afield, or that pay a premium.
Consumer benefits
Enable fresh produce to continue ripening naturally, albeit more slowly and with more control. By not interfering with the natural pathways, the full potential of flavour, aroma, taste and texture are allowed to develop, delivering an eating experience as nature intended.
Environmental benefits
Reduce food waste post-harvest and extend shelf-life for consumers. If we can do both, it will mean that the precious resources used to grow, transit and retail fresh produce are used frugally, and for greatest impact.

RYPEN Impact

Our growing community of growers, packers, exporters and retailers globally are enabling us to have a positive impact on our environment through the reduction of food waste.

CO₂ Equivalent Emissions
Reducing food waste ensures any embedded emissions from production, packaging and distribution are not lost. Decomposing food also emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas, so reducing fresh produce waste can have a significant impact on anthropogenic emissions.
Water Savings
Growing produce requires significant access to fresh water, an increasingly scarce resource in many growing regions around the world. Ensuring more of what is grown is made available for consumption, ensures that this precious water is not wasted unnecessarily.
Plastic Diverted
Packaging plays a critical role in protecting fresh produce after harvest. It can prevent contamination, slow dehydration and protect from physical damage. However, removing the consumer packaging from wasted food is difficult – as a result, the food can’t be composted nor the packaging recycled. Reducing waste minimises this impact.
  • Solutions for growers

    Manage ethylene immediately post-harvest, with solutions for storage and on-farm operations.

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  • Solutions for packers and exporters

    Manage ethylene during transit, with solutions that seamlessly integrate within existing packing operations. Create resilience to protect against disruptions and delays in logistics.

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  • Solutions for retailers

    Extend shelf-life in store, increasing availability while decreasing waste. Further delight customers with greater choice and quality of fresh produce.

  • Solutions for Wholesalers and Foodservice

    Protect fresh produce condition for longer, reducing waste and costs, while gaining additional flexibility.

  • Solutions for Consumers

    Gain valuable extra days on fruit and vegetables after purchase enabling the reduction of unnecessary fresh produce wastage at home.

    Now available on Amazon UK

Global food waste costs $940 billion* and is responsible for for 8%* of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. If this issue were a country it would rank as the third biggest GHG emitter, after China and the US.

* Source: UN 2021