• Avocado
    Higher more consistent
    arrival pressures
    RYPEN selectively and efficiently captures ethylene, ensuring a tighter range of pressures on arrival.
  • Avocado
    More fruit to specification,
    minimising deductions
    RYPEN captures ethylene, without altering the natural biology of the fruit.
  • Avocado
    Seize the opportunity
    to reach new markets
    RYPEN enables growers and exporters to ship avocados over longer distances and reach previously out of reach markets.
  • Leaf

    The solution for a wide range of produce packed in cases, or in bags. Providing simple-to-use and highly-effective ethylene moderation in storage and during transit.

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  • Case liner

    A multi-functional case liner with RYPEN technology embedded directly into the polymer to deliver comprehensive ethylene protection for both storage and transit applications.

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Avocado is a typical climacteric fruit, increasing emittance of ethylene as it matures after harvest. The best eating fruit have the highest dry matter; however, the highest dry matter fruits are also the biggest emitters and most sensitive fruit to ethylene. RYPEN technology helps balance this reward / risk, allowing growers to meet and surpass their minimum dry matter levels, whilst still allowing the fruit to naturally ripen- delivering fruit that both eats well and is protected during storage and transit.

  • Avocados offer special challenges in comparison to other fruit in that they have especially-high respiration rates and release large amounts of ethylene (Lu Arpaia, 2018)

    Mary Lu Arpaia, Sue Collin, James Sievert, David Obenland, ‘Hass’ avocado quality as influenced by temperature and ethylene prior to and during final ripening, Postharvest Biology and Technology, Volume 140, 2018, Pages 76-84

Avocado ripening has to be carefully managed and any damage of ethylene receptors, can result in severe consequences for the fruit quality and development from lack of softness and taste. With RYPEN this isn’t an issue even though this fruit type has high emission and sensitivity to ethylene.
  • 100% increase in fruit meeting pressures spec (Maluma Hass)
  • 40% reduction in arrival defects (high dry matter Hass)
  • Up to 50% reduction in internal defects (retail)

Avocados are primarily grown in Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Kenya and California. Mexico dominates production, with year-round availability peaking from October to February, supplying into the USA market. Peru’s season runs May to August, while California is February to September.

Main varieties include Hass (accounting for 80% of cultivation), Fuerte, Lamb-Hass, Maluma and Ettinger. Key export markets include the US, EU, and increasingly Asia, where India, Japan and China are emerging importers.

Avocado’s popularity has surged due to its power-house nutritional profile and versatility in cuisine, driving significant industry growth in recent years. Accessing these long-distance shipping markets demands precise post-harvest management and logistics to ensure that the product arrives at destination in perfect condition, with pressure and colour the key challenges.

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