• Plums
    Plums the way
    they should be
    Ethylene builds up during shipping and storage, even amongst fresh produce with low emission levels.
  • Plums
    Perfectly ripe plums
    RYPEN enables natural ripening for true taste, texture and aroma development.
  • Plums
    Protecting plums at every
    step of the journey
    From the grower to the consumer, RYPEN products capture ethylene slowing the pace of ripening.
  • Leaf

    The solution for a wide range of produce packed in cases, or in bags. Providing simple-to-use and highly-effective ethylene moderation in storage and during transit.

    Discover more
  • Case liner

    A multi-functional case liner with RYPEN technology embedded directly into the polymer to deliver comprehensive ethylene protection for both storage and transit applications.

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Plum varieties are numerous to enable continuity of supply over an export season, and growers face a complex level of factors in determining harvest and post-harvest control of the fruit.


Receivers recognise that the best eating fruit is that which has achieved a minimum dry matter. The RYPEN Leaf or Bag provides a great solution to manage the risk of “physiologically” mature fruit shrivelling, reduces instances of pressure breaks and internal issues.


By addressing these issues supply the market and provide consumers with better eating more consistent fruit.

  • Ethylene decreases firmness and lowers commercial quality of plums during storage (Manganaris, et al., 2008)

    Manganaris, George & Vicente, Ariel & Crisosto, Carlos & Labavitch, John. (2008). Effect of delayed storage and continuous ethylene exposure on flesh reddening of Royal Diamond plums. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 88. 2180 – 2185. 10.1002/jsfa.3330.

Plums are usually jumble packed, this increases stress levels, allowing Botrytis infections to spread rapidly. A common issue associated with over-ripe plums is discolouration and over-softness, making fruit less saleable and attracting lower prices.
  • 33% increase in produce life
  • 62% reduction in pressure los

Stone-fruits are highly sought after for their refreshing taste and nutritional benefits, driving significant global demand. Stone-fruit cultivars, including plums, peaches, nectarines, apricots and cherries, are popular for their pleasingly juicy, sweet, and tangy flavours.

Commercial plum varieties are cross-pollinated ‘hybrids’ developed over periods as long as 10 years to create ‘interspecific’ innovations such as the FlavourKing®, Pluot®, Aprium® and Nectaplum® – which are leading the way globally for their juicy, sweet, aromatic qualities and improved shelf-life.

The global export season peaks from May to September in the Northern Hemisphere and from November to February in the Southern Hemisphere. Major export regions include Spain, the United States, South Africa and Chile.

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